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All the time in a sentence

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Sentence count:276+25Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: day in and day outSimilar words: by the timeat the time offor the time beingfull-timeat all timestake timelifetimeat one timeMeaning: adv. without respite. 
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91. The language is changing all the time.
92. They rowed all the time.
93. It puts me off when you watch me all the time.
94. "I absolutely hated school," Rachel says. "I skived off all the time.".
95. My grandfather harps on about the war all the time.
96. It cramps my style to have you watching over me all the time.
97. I've never known this to happen in all the time I've worked here.
98. You can't have it both ways. If you can afford to go out all the time, you can afford to pay off some of your debts.
99. He ran up an enormous phone bill by ringing up chatlines all the time.
100. The letter was in my pocket all the time .
101. He sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world.
102. Don't ask me what you should do all the time. Use your initiative!
103. I wish you'd stop jumping in and finishing my sentences for me all the time.
104. How can I think straight with you talking all the time?
105. I didn't look at a newspaper all the time I was on holiday, so I'm completely out of touch.
106. And all the time next spring's elections are drawing closer.
107. Jerry Lewis is out there all the time raising money for disabled kids.
108. I can't be doing with people who complain all the time.WHICH WORD?
109. The key was right under my nose all the time.
110. She seemed preoccupied all the time I was talking to her.
111. I don't think anybody would like being pent up in the house all the time.
111. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
112. She talks all the time and hardly stops to draw breath.
113. We travel back and forth all the time between Canada and England.
114. How do you stand him being here all the time?
115. The parrots in the zoo are popping all the time.
116. You're crossing my path in work by talking all the time.
117. When I lived in Spain, I used to eat out all the time.
118. Well, I'll be darned! They knew about it all the time!
119. We must keep an eye open for the stranger who is looking back and forth all the time.
120. A policeman has to keep on his toes all the time he's on duty.
More similar words: by the timeat the time offor the time beingfull-timeat all timestake timelifetimeat one timesometimesometimesat the same timefrom time to timeall thatall the moreand all thatall the sameall throughaestheticfall throughpull throughtimein timeon timeat timesat a timein no timeat no timeeach timemeantimelongtime
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